#include <pic.h> #define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 #define SPDAT GP0 #define SPCLK GP1 #define LED1 GP5 #define SW1 GP4 #define LED_ON 0 #define LED_OFF 1 #define KURIKAESHI 20 #define HEIKIN 10 //点灯は0、消灯は1 //DPは点灯しない、LSBに1付けとく #define data0 0b00000011 #define data1 0b10011111 #define data2 0b00100101 #define data3 0b00001101 #define data4 0b10011001 #define data5 0b01001001 #define data6 0b01000001 #define data7 0b00011011 #define data8 0b00000001 #define data9 0b00001001 #define MINUS 0b11111110 // MINUS is - display. #define PLUS 0b00000001 // PLUS is no display. __CONFIG(CP_OFF & BOREN_ON & PWRTE_ON & WDTE_OFF & FOSC_INTOSCIO) ; main() { /* Note: The ANSEL and CMCON0 registers must be initialized to configure an analog * channel as a digital input. Pins configured as analog inputs will read ‘0’. */ GPIO = 0x00; /* IO initialize */ CMCON0 = 0x07; /* Comparator function CM210=111(disable)*/ ANSEL = 0x54; // ADCS=101;4us GP2だけAN2として使う。 OSCCON = 0x60; /* 4MHz */ TRISIO = 0x1C; /* IO direction 543210=011100 0=Out,1=In */ ADCON0 = 0x89; // 10001001 IOC = 0x10; // IOC4 is enable INTCON = 0x88; // GIE , GPIE ADFM=1; ADON = 1;
char avg,fugo,d3,d2,d1,loop; int andata,temp; long temp10; // AD変換値の10倍で途中まで計算(long型とする) andata = 0; for(avg=0;avg<HEIKIN;avg++){ __delay_ms(5); GO = 1; while(GO); andata += (ADRESH<<8) | ADRESL ; } andata = andata / HEIKIN ; temp10 = (long)andata * 5000 - 2457600; temp10 = temp10 / 4096; temp = (int)temp10;